
Welcome to my website.

I am Anni Macbeth    aka    Annimac
International futurist    trendforecaster    &    life coach

Working    with    individuals    &    organisations
corporates    &    communities
toward creating a socially & environmentally sustainable world.

Presentiing    conference keynotes    workshops    publications
life coaching
based on trends impacting up to 30 years
global    political    economic    cultural    social

Often outside the existing established corporate, cultural,
& political paradigm
often outside  scientific & academic models
because   that’s   the
leading    edge    of    knowledge.

I  do  my  best  to  totally  walk  my  talk
of  being  value  not  materialism  driven
&  won’t  work  with  economic  rationalists  to  further
the  economic  rationalism

Bumper Sticker : The things that matter are not things 

And love conversations
With anyone anywhere anytime
even economic rationalists

As a professional presenter
I keynote conferences around the world
love doing workshops even more.

Engaging in conversations
by phone Skype annimac0687
millions of emails

Presentations freely available in section Presentations

Help yourself
be nice
tell others where you found it

Contact Annimac

My background is a  richly  diverse  history
spanning 40 yrs biz experience on 4 continents
Including Canada     – born    Vancouver –
England     Indonesia     Ireland     Malaysia     USA     Vietnam     &
now  based  in  future  orientated  Western Australia

Professional background includes
architecture   arts   change management   design   education
film & TV   high technology innovation   new venture creation
media law   pyschology   urban development   exec coaching
all  culminating  in
futurism   &   trend forecasting.

Wherever   whenever
I found myself at the leading edge of change
innovating   processes   &   institutions   that   seemed   so
to me so obviously useful
I remain surprise they are still thought somewhat radical

These include
3 Australian professional business organisations
2 internation retail organisation
4 University courses in management
2 film production companies
5 international arts companies
3 international arts festivals
& Australia’s first independant schools – 5 of them

Immense Fun

If you are not at the edge you are taking up too much room.

Appointments included
Senates of 2 universities
3 university management boards
3 technology & industry councils
2 Chinese business councils
boards of 7 International Not For Profit organisations.

Appears in Who’s Who in Australia since 1983
& Inaugural Who’s Who of Australian Women

Adjunct Fellow of John Curtin International Institue  1998

That’s the formal bit.

Informally, I grew up with unconditional love
rich in experience knowlegde & wisdom
Appreciate honour it more every day

As a family of four
travelled to many geographical zones
to  live  in  harmony  with  the  ecosystem
learning  from  indigenous  peoples  of  that  landscape
Desert    tundra    coastal marine    taiga    alpine    grassland
Inherent  spirituality    respect    dignity for all life

Now I explore human abilities
to understand & operate ourselves & our universes

To  understand  change
&  where  we  are  heading

Operating more intuitively than rationally
listen   watch   engage
in conversations
& intuit what really is happening
what really matters
& what will matter tomorrow
if we are healthy and sustainable.

I enjoy walling in mysterious esoteric unknowns
Have little fear
love adventure

Pls contact me at anytime
Tell me what you want to know
Ask me anything
